5 of 5
“They are funny to listen to and brought lots of peace to the kids”
Josefine Thornberg

5 of 5
Hedwig, age 3:
“It is exiting and a bit scary. I want more stories”, after she listened, she made her own Ila & Teo songs.
Karen Bruun

5 of 5
“My son age 5 really likes the stories. We listened them together and talked about what Ila & Teo experiences.”
Helle Thorsen

5 of 5
“My grandchildren are listening to the stories again and again.
Very heartly stories.”
Marike H


10 ILA & TEO Audio Fantasy Stories: The Prison Planet * Dragon in the Dog House * Candystore * The Spaceship * Becoming Heroes * Mama is a Mermaid * Granny’s Rocketshoes * The Space Pirates * Schooldays * Princess & the Troll

10 ILA & TEO Audio Fantasy Stories: Fængselsplaneten * Rumskibet * Slikbutikken * Princessen og Trolden * Ila & Teo Bliver Helte * Mama er en havfrue * Bedstes Raketsko * Dragen i Hundehuset * Rumpiraterne * Skoledagen

10 ILA & TEO Audio Fantasy Stories: Das Raumschiff * Der Süssigkeitsladen * Der Gefängnissplanet * Oma’s Raketenschuhe * Mama ist Meerjungfrau * Der Drache in der Hundehütte * Die Raumpiraten * Schultage * Die Prinzessin * Helden
Fairyscapes Audio Fantasy Stories:
A relaxing and recharging impact on our childrens hectical everyday.